Yxkullsund Säteri
Forest - Hunting - Agriculture - Sun Energy - B&B
Hunting for rent
Hunting territories. Leasing of areas.
Our hunting areas are currently leased out, but changes and terminations may occur - therefore keep an eye on offers, advertised hunting grounds for rent, which are advertised on this page.
If you order buck hunting, drift hunting, wild boar hunting and Sweden closes the border (they don't), we will refund the amount in full.
Offer :Night hunting Wild boar from hunting tower -well-visited places - wild boar all year round
1-2 people can sit in the hunting towers during the season, also in the cornfield in September-October.
Price per night per hunter 1875 NOK
3 nights hunting with accommodation in a nice hunting lodge
Per hunter DKK 5625
We have maize and lots of pigs - maize is pigs' food. (and closed hunting towers) PR. HUNTER
Price per night 1875,- Decency in August - September - October.
Drive hunting with moose, wild boar, wild game etc. Single seats are sold.
Offer Drift Hunt Day on one of Augustenborg's own drift hunts per day everything incl. Per hunter 1875 NOK
8-12 SAGITTARIUS - pre-order for 2019
Incl. welcome, beer, water, coffee, lunch, afterhunting bonfire and snack, etc.
Arrival at 9.00 - one hour from Helsingborg, drift hunting with 3-4 sows - shooting pigs, wild game, possibility of moose. Lunch & drinks included. Have a pleasant day and drive home at 17.00. No trophy fee. Game can be bought at the parade at reasonable prices. The team can also spend the night in Konopiste Hunting house the evening before - according to your wishes. We can tailor your hunting day. Shooting depending on weather, wind, luck, etc. 2-8 pieces of hoof-bearing game
Can be arranged as business hunting - company hunting - you decide. 3500 tdr land own territories under Augustenborg Gods
Hunting in Sweden is hunting all year round - wild boar überlaufer - one-year-old pigs must be hunted together with especially harmful game all year round! There is a longer hunting time both in terms of the day, game species and the length of the hunting time in Sweden. It is a hunter's responsibility. Pigeon and duck hunting starts in August, so the options seem better and more varied.
Augustenborg only rents out own territories we own incl. elk quotas, and we emphasize the summer, which is warm and cozy with bright nights for the whole family.
Take your customers or employees on a pleasant trip to Augustenborg - Yxkullsunmd Säteri where, according to your ideas and goals, they go out into nature, eat comfortably, while you combine training, sales, customer care around the campfire. Small and large groups with common interests build relationships that turn into friendship and cooperation.
Often there are small experiences on the hunt & fishing in nature, away from everyday life and work suddenly lifts ideas and implants common goals.
In fun, primitive conditions around the fire and a bottle of good wine, it can build a team that creates better results in the long run. Tasks for common solution within sports & hobby has proven to create relationships for the whole team, where everyone contributes.
We have had events from 4 to 26 people with very different themes. Business hunting for 10 clients. Katate camp with hard training. Fishing trip 6 people 2 days. Drift hunting space bought for 3 customers. Golf trip 6 people 3 days on 3 courses Finja, Hässleholm, Perstorp. Employee won a buck hunt and many more. Prices from 1875 per day.
Hunter/new hunter....JAGTHYGGE. 2 bucks + 2 pigs + 4 drift hunts + guest berths13000,-
Every year we have 2 fellow hunters at Augustenborg - they pay NOK 12,500 with the right to freely kill 2 bucks + 2 pigs + 4 drift hunts with a few guest places, the bucks can be exchanged for pigs, - not the other way around. What is killed on the drift hunts is not counted. Meat at daily prices. We do not have trophy fees. Super hunting lodge is included in the stay. Pleasant, good humored and peaceful hunter will be preferred. There are 4 guest spaces free of charge incl.
Fishing trip 3 days Pike, zander, perch, etc. in 1500 HA large lake Boat with motor or canoe 3-day stay in super house with up to 8 people - per person - own board and bedding. Fishing license, electricity, petrol for the boat, boat hire included. 2 boats available, 3-man canoe 2-4 people up to 8 people 8500
Crayfish trip - 3 days
Poland Hunting Remember our return prices to Poland Ystad-Swinouscie incl. 4 people with car and cabin.
Through our many years in Poland, we have gained a thorough knowledge of hunting in Poland. Jilas International Zoo is our Polish company that can arrange quality hunts for all known species in Poland.
It has gradually become expensive, but the quality is top notch. Drive hunts at Augustenborg range from 2-8 pieces of game, but if this is not enough, there is of course Poland, but remember it costs much more. On a smaller hunt with 5 people last year, we shot a 12-year-old red deer, a large keiler, 3 roe deer and 2 bucks, a fox - door-to-door travel, everything incl. food, etc. it was DKK 53,000 - which we agreed on, if we had stayed at Augustenborg we could have shot the same for 1/3 the price - except for the deer, which was exchanged for a pig or 3.
PROPERTY FOR RENTRENT ONE OR 2 APARTMENTS AT LINDEHULT near Alsterbro - road 125 approx. 280 km from Helsingborg. The main building on the historic Lindehult can be rented for a longer period. It consists of two apartments with kitchen and bathroom and 4 rooms (8) with lots of space, beautiful garden, vegetable garden if you wish, 1 floor with balcony, barn, outbuilding, stable etc. The house has been empty for a few years, but is in good condition, currently has oil boiler, but other heating options can also be considered. It can be used both year-round and as a summer residence with a fantastic location, fine fishing opportunities, horses, or just for relaxation in the beautiful Swedish - Småland nature. We are looking for some long-term tenants. Possibly with a right of first refusal and the agreement can be negotiated - for us it is important to get good, decent and stable tenants who will treat this mini-estate as their own. It is a gem in cultural history.
1 apartment per month DKK 3000
2 apartments total DKK 5500
Minimum rent 1 year and NOK 30,000 in deposit per tenancy.
Augustenborg Estate includes:
Augustenborg - Skogsby - Grönadal
Yxkullsund Säteri
Visslemyr - Björstorp - Hamneda
Lindehult - Store Skarasjö -
Mellankär Blackatorp Mosse
Svengsta Lager Hotel
Jelnia - Czarne Jilas International Poland
Over 5,000 hectares of land for hunting, fun, leisure and relaxation. Order well in advance, we have a limited number of bucks, wild boar, elk for shooting depending on the nature of the area, Large lakes, quiet forests, beautiful nature we cherish. See our positive CO2 account. Further information: szabad@jilas.dk
Many hunters have stepped into their children's shoes at Augustenborg, new hunters are always welcome, and many larger and smaller trophies have been shot on the hunts, day or night, all year round there are opportunities in Sweden. Here is a selection of the experiences that have been had, but it is not always camaraderie or luck. But a good mood and nature experiences are always exciting. Sweden's largest wild boar is killed at Augustenborg Mellankärr 295 kg, and luck is needed. It's hunting on game conditions
At Augustenborg there is a collection of trophies that were laid down at Augustenborg, but many trophies were brought home from hunting here and (unfortunately) are not with us. About 100 10,000 cloven-hoofed game are slaughtered annually on the properties in Sweden and a further 80 at Jelnia in Poland, where the hunting clubs around Jelnia contribute approx. 600 cloven-hoofed game, 200 roe deer, 200 pigs and 200 roe deer in the area where Jelnia - which means red deer - is located, but on Jelnia alone there are 50 hochsitz mainly for roe deer and wild boar..
Pictures from hunts, territories and pleasant experiences at Augustenborg - Yxkullssund Säteri & Property - we are ready with professional advice on hunting, territory management, CO2, forest and agricultural operations in Poland, Denmark and Sweden.
Augustenborg Gods A/S
Buy - sell - rent properties and hunts
Advice on the purchase of forest, operation and investment opportunities. Many people run out of ideas when it comes to buying forest in Sweden - we have extensive practical experience, know the problems, bidding and can clearly see the advantages and disadvantages. Within tax, there are a number of opportunities for major investments, after the sale of agricultural properties, reinvestment in Swedish properties, with great advantage, an advantage that is not available in Denmark, where the prices are turned up unrealistically high.
Send an email for advice szabad@jilas.dk
Video from Mellankärr - one of our best rented hunting grounds, in incredibly beautiful surroundings, where the hunters have complete peace and quiet. The consortium has had the hunt for many years - which gives best game care, and large game population. The bear cave is lonely far away, spruce bark beetles have made felling necessary so the cave can now be seen, it has probably been many years since bears wintered there. Here there are hills and large stones, mixed foliage and fir forest - Sweden's largest wild boar is killed in this area, see the picture below. Down through the forest you drive from Brændevinsbakken, where the coachmen used to stop for a drink in the old days.









