Yxkullsund Säteri
Forest - Hunting - Agriculture - Sun Energy - B&B
Augustenborg& Yxkullsund
Hunting in Scania and Småland
First of all, it is hunting and nature experiences, but some tips and ideas for an active or relaxed holiday - you choose it yourself - you have nature and a wonderful unspoiled landscape, small towns and the exquisite houses, farms, manors, estates and shopping at the same time every day of the week in the large chains in the trading towns, which are a multitude of large food and department stores - prices are 20-25% cheaper on food in 2022.
Älmhult - close to IKEA's headquarters with one of the world's largest IKEA stores - everything in the city bears the stamp of this worldwide company - definitely worth a visit. Lunch like so many places in Sweden for about DKK 75 incl food and drink.
Loppis - lots of places when you drive there are loppis - flea market - here you will find antiques mixed with ragels - you get a long way with a 20er, a fifty for a chair and a little more for a 100-year-old copper coffee pot. Try Annas Loppis - Hamneda.
The nature is fantastic - the houses are wonderful - it's super romantic - and shop at the merchant in Sdr. Ljunge - especially the last has a good selection of meat and petrol station. The hunting stores are also different, more practical hunting stuff, not as many frills but also not as cheap as JagtDanmark.dk - they have everything for hunting in Sweden.
Lakes can be fished in and there are fish, rent a canoe or boat or fish from the edge of the lakes, or the river Lagan - Alsteråen, Store Skarasjö, children are welcome - adults must buy a fishing license at tourist information/gas stations/grocery stores.
Golf is rarely more than 10 km to the nearest 18-hole course - there are many courses within a short distance everywhere in southern Sweden.
One of Skåne's most beautiful golf courses is 5 km from Augustenborg, 10 km to Hässleholm Golf Club - Lagan Golf is simply super cheap, the courses are challenging and with good facilities and clubhouses, where the coffee and lunch are significantly cheaper than you are used to - and better.
Rent a canoe at Lagan - there is also one at Augustenborg, or have lunch at Lagan or the many other places in nature.
Hunting is outside the door - we have over 3500 tdr. of land - Visslemyr, Augustenborg. see www.augustenborg-gods.dk from NOK 1750 per day when you live in Ängatorpet. From north to south, with most game in the south, Sweden is the hunting country.
Mushrooms - berries - flowers - the common law allows you to go anywhere. Show consideration, everyone does, be quiet in nature, then you will see the animals - grandma will come with a bunch of screaming kids fighting over a rubber band - lure the animals away.
If you want to see the animals, it is an idea to take an evening trip at dusk or at sunrise - slowly, stop and wait in the large clearings - suddenly they are there.
Älmhult, Ljungby, Hässleholm and Markaryd are good trading towns - prices are approx. 20-30% cheaper than in Denmark. There is tourist information in all 3 cities. Laganland at E4 has an elk park and extensive tourist information.
High Chaparel - the cowboy town is worth a day trip - summer only and check the opening hours - the whole family has great fun. It is a super full-day excursion. Even the adults have a super fun day here - ok you have to be on board with the idea, but it's mysteriously original.
Elk parks - nearest in Hamneda, if it fails in the wild, but it's not quite the same. Try it with the car trip at dusk - summer and winter the chance is there. ON road 21 there is a nice park, and in the middle of the Glasriket is one of Sweden's funnest, here there are 2000 things with moose on plus moose.
Enjoy the calm and the slow pace - there's a bit of West Jutland over Southern Sweden - shop by the roadside, many sell something or the other.
At Ängatorpet and in our other houses there are brochures with good information - it is also a family holiday.
Car freaks- visit a few car dealers and you will be impressed by the prices - 30% of what they cost in Denmark - petrol is often 50 - 100 øre cheaper. Car tax and insurance probably only 20% of Denmark. Eslö has luxury cars from 100-3,000,000 and there is no tax on cars - Ystad also has the goods.
A small fire outside the house helps against mosquitoes and gnats, some wet grass on it - it's not such a bad idea.
Grill the sausages - then there's a party. You suddenly have time for each other. But play and have fun together.
Roast sausages over the fire with the kids - the Swedish sausages / sausages excellent for a fire, with the well-known mustard and bread a delicacy..
Grill the caught perch fillets as a starter - and a couple of pan steaks afterwards - then dinner is saved.
Even though the sun is always shining in Småland and Scania, a trip in good rain gear is nice with hot chocolate afterwards - the adults get a cognac in - play cards or other games, cook good food with Swedish herring, onions, potatoes and remember the schnapps from Denmark .
You can bring beer and wine from home, but if you run out there is a grocery store in Hamneda and Sdr. Mild beer, otherwise Spritbolaget actually has excellent wines at not entirely unreasonable prices.
Food out in the city you can survive, there are excellent restaurants, they cost but a kebab bar on every corner - the kids love it. Sausage with mash and sweet yellow mustard is part of every trip to Sweden - IKEA's restaurant serves meatballs with lingonberries.
See the burial grounds, the church ruins in Hamneda and 2 good rune stones, the homestead farm in Plätteryd. The Swedes are world champions at preserving old barns, outbuildings, henhouses, buildings - they don't even know how amazing they are.
Go exploring on Visslemyr - it's with a compass, rubber boots and definitely not for the faint of heart - watch out for deep ditches and holes that are 2-3-4-50 cm deep - entirely at your own risk and definitely only for people over 12 years old with good health.
Find an auction - it's often in the local newspaper - everything is sold here, boxes of junk and finds, mixed with antiques - everything is sold and there are lots of people.
Wild boar at the feedlot in
Forest town
at Augustenborg.
Booking via the web: augustenborg@jilas.dk
Augustenborg has an extensive car park for the practical and for car enthusiasts.
Volvo 303
A 6 cylinder Volvo 303 ATV military jeep with room for 8 people off-road anywhere until it is on its stomach. Definitely one of the world's most off-road cars.
Volvo XC70 T6
The 6-cylinder ATV is one of the most comfortable and travel-friendly cars, used between our hunting grounds. In particular, the experience of winter driving with studded tires is almost a dream on smooth roads.
Chevrolet S 10 & Jeep Wrangler
6 cylinder 4.2 liter ATV driving trailer without top-class comfort - a 4wd that can offer far more than the American appearance at first appears.
Augustenborg Mew
Includes everything from tractors, horse drawn vehicles, limousines, convertible and off road, tandem vehicles as well as a 1934 Volvo truck - generations of wheeled vehicles.
Wild boar is an exceptionally clean and well-kept animalanimals when it is shut down. You are often surprised at how few parasites, ticks etc. are in the fur and on the body. They also take care of themselves with mud baths, resin and communal cleaning. They only smell in the rut Dec-Jan, and it's a shame that boars can't be eaten. The world's best chefs, the French, eat both large and small boars - usually put in a solution of red wine with onions and spices - try it before you send the pig to the sausage maker.
Their way of life as omnivores means that there may be trichinosis in pigs, but in Sweden it is extremely rare, we have not heard of it in our vicinity, but in Poland it occurs every year.
What are trikines?
Trichinella are small worms that can infect many animal species. The adult trichin that lives in the intestine is 1.5-4 mm long, while the larva that settles in the muscle cells is only about 0.1 mm long. The larvae are thus too small to be seen with the naked eye.
There are several species of trichinae. The larvae of some species stimulate the host animal to form a capsule around itself when they have migrated into the musculature. In this capsule, the larva can lie protected for decades.
In which animals are tricines found?
Boar - trichins
We deliver trichin samples from the laboratory
price DKK 125 per piece. 3 samples NOK 360
shipping regardless of quantity NOK 78
advance payment mobilpay 28459611 or by card.
Trichines can be found in basically all mammals but is mainly found in predators and omnivores. Some species of trichinosis can also infect birds and reptiles, but the occurrence has not been investigated further. In Sweden, approx. 3% of rödrävarna and approx. 8% of fur animals are infected with trichinosis. When rats and mice eat dead foxes and lynxes, they can become infected. Wild boar can become infected by eating rats, mice or dead foxes. At the Parasitologist, SVA, trichinosis is detected in wild boar 0-5 times a year. The increasing population of wild boar can have a significant role as a source of infection for the spread of trichinosis to humans.
In which muscles are trichins found?
When trichin-infected meat is eaten, the larvae are released in the stomach and develop into adult worms in a few days. During 1-2 months, the female gives birth to hundreds to many thousands of larvae which, via lymph and blood vessels, reach the muscles outside the heart. Thus, trichins are not found in, for example, kidneys, fat, senor or the hard core of the tongue. Investigations on pigs have shown that most trichinella larvae are found in the mellangärdes muscle.
The classic contagion is cold-smoked sausage and other insufficiently heated charcuterie.
Symptoms in humans
The severity of the symptoms is directly linked to how many Trichinella larvae have been ingested. A smaller amount causes no symptoms at all. Otherwise, the first symptoms can appear already after one day and start with diarrhea which can last 3-6 weeks. The migrating trichinella larvae cause muscle pain starting 7 days after infection. Difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, stiff gait and other signs of muscle pain are common, as are fever, eczema, facial and eyelid swelling. In the event of a massive infection, entire muscle groups can be paralyzed and this can lead to death. The muscle pain can last for several months, sometimes longer.
How can you neutralize trichins in meat?
Wide upphettning till +77°C harmless trikin in meat. When cooking, all the meat needs to be completely gray so that the trichin larvae are dead. Freezing can be an unsafe method for killing trichinae as different species are differently sensitive to low temperatures. The sensitivity also depends on the type of animal. Freezing for 4 weeks at -18°C seems to have an effect on trichinella larvae in meat from domestic pigs, but not always in wild boar meat.
Trikin control is free today - the Food and Drug Administration distributes Ghratis samples
Trikin control must be carried out separately on meat from domestic swine, wild boar, horse, bear, etc. which is to be sold for consumption. Thanks to the trichinosis control, it has been about 50 years since the last outbreak of trichinosis in Sweden.
Official trichinosis control may only be carried out by an accredited laboratory or a laboratory approved by the Norwegian Food Authority. On behalf of the Norwegian Food Agency, the Parasitologist, SVA, organizes an annual inspection of the laboratories that are authorized to carry out trichinosis inspection. Laboratories which then fail to find trichins in the samples sent out can have their permit re-examined.
There are also individual laboratories and veterinarians who carry out trichin analysis, which since 2006 have not been authorized to sell or give away the meat.
Trikin examination at the Parasitologist, SVA
At SVA, trichin analyzes are performed with an approved (accredited) digestion method every working day. Analysis answers are sent by post on the same day as the analysis is carried out. Anyone who wishes can call late in the afternoon and get a verbal answer. If you provide a fax number, the answer will be faxed as soon as the analysis is completed.
Prices: (Dec 2005 until further notice)
1 per price – 125,-3 samples 360,-
We have triquin sample records with everything - as well as full instructions.
Augustenborg Gods, Bybjergvej 15 3060 Espergærde
PR. HA ..... 65,000 - 70,000 sec = 42,000-50,000 DKK
Good hunting and forest properties with great potential - sold via tender with the above as my prices. We only ask for serious inquiries regarding property advice and sales.
A fantastically low price for production forest properties in Sweden.
In contrast to Denmark, it is really about a return on the equity on Swedish properties - especially large properties with forests for the high-tech paper, energy and sawmill production, which pay good prices compared to in Denmark, where the forest is like an allotment and profits are only calculated on rising prices. Sweden has all the conditions for sensible forestry.
Purchase and sale of Swedish forest properties have great interest these years. For many years, we have followed the market, which provides the basis for a good and long-term investment. We have forests in the areas that are of interest to Danes, and our basis for advice is based on the practical ownership and operation of Swedish forests.
There are many questions that arise continuously before the purchase is in place.
We advise on options, investments, finances, tax, reallocation of property profits, prices, forestry companies, financing, etc.
It is often difficult to determine the price in advance as the properties are sold by offer, which is confusing, but the intention is to give the seller the highest price - which is reasonable enough.
It can be difficult to assess the type of forest, cubic metres, forestry plans, credit rating, location, value in the short and long term.
There are fall groups when buying in Sweden, bidding alone is difficult for a Dane to deal with. At the same time, it is a different culture that can create problems, you have to be on your guard, and Swedish lawyers are the opposite of much else in Sweden - extremely expensive, country-like and limited in their helpfulness. The legal system is like the Danish one, but the judge seeks to settle the case immediately, preferably in a rather brutal and efficient way. Forest companies behave as they see fit, craftsmen have somewhat different meeting times than in Denmark, choice of words and common understanding is different. But having said that, Sweden is the best country in the world, if you behave properly, you live in peace and quiet from the authorities, have good neighbours, cheap houses, cars, food, leisure activities, sports, nature, hunting and fishing that you can only imagine in Denmark.
We advise partly from our own experience, but we are also happy to connect external advisers such as accountants, forestry companies and lawyers. The estate agents have a duty to be an impartial adviser to both parties, but almost all properties are sold with a disclaimer clause, so that you buy without the direct possibility of complaining afterwards about the deal.
Our advice is impartial and aims to help you as a buyer or seller of Swedish property to make a sensible and good decision that is in harmony with actual conditions on the market.
In particular, the buyer should consider the financial consequences for the future, it is not always that the costs stop at interest and installments, but care in the future can be a large cost.
Advice on property purchases:
Review of the property's description, without inspection, brief advice in relation to price and market situation.
R-1 DKK 1500
The above R-1 + financial assessment of income/expenses for up to 10 years after the forestry plan.
R-2 DKK 3000
R-1 + R-2 + inspection of the property in Skåne, Halland, Blekinge, Småland, assessment on the site and preliminary assessment of the forest plan's conformity with actual conditions.
R-3 DKK 8500
R-1 + R-2 + R-3 + complete review of the property with external forest consultants with a view to the content of the forest plan, felling classes and finances. properties 0-150 HA, report
R-4 DKK NOK 15,000
Ongoing advice during the purchase and sale process - hourly basis.
NOK 750
The above prices are excl. VAT, DKK - which is deductible on the purchase price and on the operation. The amount will be invoiced prior to the consultation.
Photos below: The old barn from Mellankärr is partially bulb-built of hand-hewn timber, originally 95 m, but after restoration in 2009, the restoration only used the old materials from the demolition.
Picture on the right: 200 meter pile of tops and branches after Södra's felling at Augustenborg - nothing goes to waste, roots and small branches are left on the ground and converted into the new planting - the 200 meters (2500 KBM) go to wood chips, and on to thermal energy, ethanol and cogeneration plants.
Planting immediately after a year of drying, whereby the needles fall from the branches to the field, and our production of sustainable forest continues with positive CO2 production and CO2 positive accounts, 60 - 80 years into the future.
